Recent Posts

  • Episode 4: Taking Your Show on the Road

    Hop on board the party van as we discuss taking your game from your home to an event at a store or convention. Necessary gear, proper army transport, and the […]

  • Episode 3: The Good, the Bad, and the Weird

    Jon, Dennis, Richard, and Rob discuss their picks for the best and worst units in their codexes, as well as those units that almost make the cut. Swiss Army knives, […]

  • Getting Started: Battleforce Army Lists

    As promised, here's seven (we found one more!) legal 500-point lists you can build from GW's 40k battleforce boxes.

  • Episode 2: The Poster Boys of 40K

    For our second episode, we’re joined by our friend Dan for a discussion about Space Marines of all flavors – vanilla, psychic, furry, red, and spiky. We get into their […]

  • Episode 1: Let’s Get Started!

    The premiere episode of Preferred Enemies hits the intarwebs!! The Preferred Enemies crew – Rob, Dennis, Richard, and Jon – get their podcast started by tackling the subject of how […]

  • Recording with the UnderDiscussion Crew

    Yesterday, we recorded our first pre-release podcast with the crew from UnderDiscussion, for their Warhammer 40K episode.

  • Coming Soon…

    Preferred Enemies, the Undergopher Warhammer 40K podcast, is coming soon! Watch this space for more details!